About us

Together, let's build a better future for food businesses.

Food is a universal language that bridges cultures and brings people together. It can be the foundation of fond memories and traditions. It has the power to nourish, heal and inspire. Creating delicious food is more than just a business — it’s a way of life for many people and generations of families.

We know the foodservice industry inside and out. We've owned kitchens and worked in restaurants ourselves, so we understand the challenges and struggles that restaurateurs face on a daily basis.


We’re passionate about food

We know how demanding — and rewarding — the foodservice business can be. From the long hours to the sometimes chaotic kitchen environment, it takes a lot of hard work to succeed in this business. But for those who are passionate about food and cooking, the rewards can be great. Not only do you get to create delicious meals that people will enjoy, but you also get to play a role in making someone's day a little brighter, and making people's lives better.

We know how reducing a new food entrepreneur’s overhead costs helps so much in starting and growing their food business. Gohost was founded with the belief that if you have a food business idea, we want you to have access to an affordable, professional kitchen.

Building robust food businesses

At Gohost, we believe in the power of the shared economy to connect restaurant owners and budding food entrepreneurs across Canada, North America and the world. We're committed to helping both established restaurateurs and new food entrepreneurs to build resilient businesses and to achieve their goals. Whether you're just getting started or you've been in business for years, we’re here to help you on your journey, so that you can thrive and your business can flourish.

Management team

Amr Elgendy, founder & president
Simon Labonte, CPA, financial director
Maged Khodair, business analyst
Sama Elgendy, marketing & communications specialist

Our partners

Talib Khan — software developer
Xactly Design & Advertising — marketing
TAAG Ottawa — accounting & bookkeeping
Darryl Bilodeau, B. Eng., ll. b. — legal consultant

Our advisory board

Mr. Laurie Davis — business advisor
Shady Salama — technical advisor


We’re here to help

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always happy to chat about anything you’d like to know. Give us a call at 613-720-9885.

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